Former Street Boy Who Charges Ksh15,000 for Tuk Tuk Ride

Fredrick Onyango, who is a former street boy in Nairobi, has pimped his tuk-tuk giving it an eagle and dinosaur look. 

According to Onyango, the seven-wheeler tuk-tuk was fashioned from his "imagination and historical mind."

"I was born in Kisumu but came to Nairobi more than 10 years ago. I went straight to the tough street life before honing my innovative skills,” the businessman who gives his rides a pre-historic look to educate children highlighted.

Onyango revealed that he spent Ksh250,000 to improve the specifications of his ride as he was able to pimp the interior and exterior of the ride with dinosaur stickers. 

[caption caption="The Dinosaur and Eagle like ride meant for weddings and anniversaries "][/caption]

Following the improvements made on the tuk-tuk, he stated that he charges Ksh15,000 per day for weddings and party lovers hire it for Ksh5,000 daily. 

"I recommend this ride for newlyweds because of it's comfort, " Onyango noted. 

The dinosaur ride, which carries eight passengers, uses a smaller engine than that of a motorbike. 

His passengers, he adds, always enjoy good music as the tuk-tuk has LED TVs, snake lights and for security, he installed CCTV cameras. 

"I decided to put seven wheels for both rides to make it comfortable and to consume less fuel, having lived and worked near garages when I was a street boy, I bought materials gradually," the father-of-three, mentioned. 

Onyango explained that he learned how to innovate from dismantling old computers while on the streets. 

Additionally, he exclaimed that he makes more money from his tuk-tuk by giving kids in estates and recreational parks for between Ksh100 and Ksh200.

Mr Onyango has also designed a solar-powered helicopter which is yet to fly.

[caption caption="Onesmus Mwangi, from Magomano, Nairobi who managed to build a 25kg helicopter from scrap material "][/caption]