DP Ruto Puts 'Lazy' Road Contractors on Notice

A tough-talking Deputy President William Ruto on Saturday put 'lazy' contractors on notice telling them to roast maize instead of building roads following delays in completing the projects.

Speaking in Chuka town, the DP warned that those who were too slow in completing the road works would have their contracts revoked.

"There is a contractor who was given Chuka-Kaareni road to do and after three years he has only done three kilometres. We are also putting the contractor of Weru-Iriga road on notice. We are going to revoke his contract," he stated.

[caption caption="DP William Ruto accompanied by Tharaka Nithi Senator Kindiki Kithure and Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki during the launch of the Keeria-Magutuni-Kathwani road in Tharaka Nithi County, June 30, 2018"][/caption]

Irked by the slow progress in two roads in the area, the DP told the contractors to find other business to engage in.

"They should not be building roads they should make mandazi's and roast maize," he proclaimed.

[caption caption="DP Ruto commissioning the Keria- Magutuni- Makutano- Kathwana Road at Magutuni, Tharaka Nithi County"][/caption]

He added that infrastructure development saves time, money and energy; had a great impact on jobs and drives productivity.

"It fuels growth by enhancing connectivity to business, markets and supports socio-economic inclusion," the DP conveyed.

In another stop where he engaged residents of Marimanti, Ruto assured that the government had committed resources to enhance production of green grams that would assist farmers access local and export markets and purchasing the grain directly from growers to boost strategic food reserves.

He explained that the move would increase earnings, improve livelihoods and aid in achieving food security.

The DP further presided over the groundbreaking of Kamaguna Secondary School in Tharaka Nithi County where he attributed educations to being a key pillar in making the country great.

"It gives learners a competitive advantage; reduces poverty; ensures gender parity; fosters peace and creates a sustainable society. That is why we are investing in quality learning for our children to guarantee a better tomorrow," he stated.

[caption caption="DP Ruto during the ground-breaking of Kamaguna Secondary School, Tharaka Nithi County"][/caption]