Raila Odinga,Mudavadi and Kalonzo in Secret Meetings to Revive NASA

Days after ODM party leader Raila Odinga asked the party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna to avoid utterances that would hurt NASA leader Musalia Mudavadi, it has emerged there are closed-door plans to revive the opposition.

Three NASA leaders; Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi and Kalonzo Musyoka have opted to bury their differences in a bid to awaken the coalition that has been ailing from the eve of the mock swearing-in held in March this year.

The leaders are reportedly holding a series of meetings eyeing a possible ignition of their agenda in the deal struck in January last year when they resolved to have the united front ahead of the August 8, 2017, General Election.

[caption caption="Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka consult during a meeting "][/caption]

Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior and National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi intimated to local dailies that the return of a more energized NASA is in the offing given the leaders were in constant communication.

Mbadi stated that the three NASA principals have been together even though there have been no formal meetings as was the case in the past.

Sources told Daily Nation that Mr Odinga was keen on having a more energized NASA coalition that would be key in his push for reforms should the building bridges initiative succeed.

"You can not talk about uniting the country when you have abandoned the very people you were with during the struggle. Mr Odinga needs his colleagues," the source was quoted.

Ford Kenya Leader Moses Wetangula has, however, been reported to have been absent at the meetings mostly taking place at the Karen Country Club.

According to the paper, Mr Wetangula deliberately skips the meetings and is angling to work with DP William Ruto.

Last month during the elected ODM Party leaders' meeting in Mombasa, Mr Odinga passed the colloquium greetings from Musyoka and Mudavadi. However, he failed to mention the Ford Kenya leader during the address. 

[caption caption="NASA leaders Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula during a past rally"][/caption]

There has been bad blood between Wetangula and Raila after the senator’s dramatic ouster from the Senate leadership role.

Wetangula had accused Mr Odinga of fueling the ODM party machinery at the Senate to have him dropped as the Minority Leader.