New Taxes That Nairobians Will Start Paying

Nairobi residents will have to pay new levies aimed at financing their 2018/2019 budget.

This comes as the County government seeks to raise Ksh32 million to finance almost half of its operations.

Residents will now be forced to pay for disposal of waste as well as a charge for parking in private properties.

Supermarkets, hospitals and shopping malls will now be required to pay a fee for charging their clients for parking and will need to apply for a license as the parking will now be treated as a different business venture.

[caption caption="An aerial view of Sarit Centre shopping mall parking lot"][/caption]

Acting county finance executive Charles Kerich stated: “I will be proposing a fee private parking spaces that charge their customers hourly parking rates.”

Households and businesses will pay a fee to help keep the environment clean. Outdoor advertising and signage, which is a main revenue stream for the county, will also see an increase in the rates.

Roaming traders were at an advantage after the Ksh25 levy charged on mama mbogas in the estates was abolished.

“This reprieve will not affect traders in the designated market and discernible commercial areas, who will be required to pay the fee,” the acting finance CEC stated.

The county government on many occasions failed to meet its revenue targets and the new taxes are expected to help cure the problem.  

[caption caption="Nairobi County Assembly during a past session"][/caption]

According to the Budget and Appropriations Committee chairman Robert Mbatia, City Hall only collected Ksh8.5 billion against a target Ksh17 billion in the 2017/18 financial year.