Police Launch Hunt for 5 Migori County Officials

Police have launched a manhunt for five Migori County officials who are said to have tricked the police and escaped arrest.

The five officials are accused of fraudulent dealings in the tendering and procurement processes at the helm of the county administrative structures.

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) detectives allegedly set a trap to nab the five but the accused evaded the trap and are now at large.

Confirming the developments, Migori County Police Commander Joseph Nthenge assured that they would be nabbed by his officers.

[caption caption="GSU officers arrest a suspect during a past protest"][/caption]

The five are part of a ring of 11 officials, six of whom were arraigned in court on Thursday and released on a bail of Ksh30,000 each with a hearing set for August 27.

The six officials were named as Director in the Ministry of Agriculture Francisca Onyango, Director in the Education Ministry Lazarus Ogutu, Director in the Water Ministry Charles Wambora, Director in the Ministry of Public Service Tom Kwasi, County Accountant Collins Bala and one James Amenya.

EACC officers nabbed the Water and Education county directors in a sting operation that took a week for Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) detectives to plan.

They were charged before Justice Richard Odenyo where the court heard that the officials were members of the Migori County tender committee from April 24, 2014.

The court further heard that the county government bosses colluded to deliberately ignore due procedure to acquire furniture for the official governor's residence.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has assured the EACC team of support from the presidency in the fight against corruption. This was after a closed-door meeting with the Rt Archbishop Eliud Wabukhala on Saturday.

[caption caption="Migori Governor Okoth Obado speaks to the press during a past public function"][/caption]

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