Kenyan Man Dies in Horrific Accident in Texas, US

A Kenyan man has been killed in a horrific accident in Texas, US days after returning from Kenya.

Allan Onucko was hit by an 18-wheeler truck in Harrison County, Texas on Friday as he crossed a busy highway.

Texas Department of Public Safety stated that Onucko, 42, was run over severally by other motorists, scattering his body parts on the road.

The deceased was accompanied by his younger brother, Gilbert Otieno, a lawyer who runs a Nairobi-based law firm, George Gilbert Advocates. 

“He was with his younger brother and they ran out of fuel that morning. So, he decided to rush to a nearby fueling station to buy fuel and that is how he was knocked by a truck,” his aunt Susan Oruya mentioned.

 His brother Fredrick Ochieng told The Star that Onucko owns a trucking company and was driving to make a delivery when they ran out of fuel.

The accident comes two weeks after Onucko returned to the US on December 19, 2018, after visiting his family in Homa Bay County for five days.

He moved to the US in 2002 as a permanent resident and has been living in Wisconsin with his wife and daughter.

His wife Evelyne Nashipae is pregnant with their second child and had planned to hold her baby shower on Sunday, January 6.

Plans to airlift his remains to Kenya for burial are ongoing.

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