DP Ruto’s Directive to Treasury on Government Tenders

Deputy President William Ruto has issued a new directive to Treasury in relation to the tendering process in public institutions.

The DP asked treasury to forward the names of the institutions that were defying President Uhuru’s order on tender disclosure to the Head of Public Service for relevant action.

He was speaking during the official launch of the 3rd National Action Plan on the Open Government Partnership, Nairobi County on January 28, 2019.

"There are public entities that are yet to comply with order number 2 of 2018. I want to ask Treasury to forward a list of all public entities that have refused to comply with the order to the Head of Public Service so that we can take them head on," he directed.

Ruto's directive comes in light of public institutions being blasted for failing to disclose full details of their tendering processes to enable public scrutiny.

During the launch, Ruto emphasized the need for government institutions to embrace open systems of governance where the institutions involved the public in the audit of its processes, citing that this would enable a stable society.

When a government involves citizens, civil society in the audit of its practices and programmes; the society is more stable, the country more organized and the people happy because they know their nation is run in their best interests,” Ruto noted.

He also noted that open governance would enable the eradication of vices such as corruption, enhance transparency and lead to the increase of public trust in government and public institutions.

He also pointed out the need for government institutions to embrace more progressive systems of governance.

To do this, Ruto adviced that there was a need for public institutions to embrace less confidentiality, more accountability, transparency and openness.

Progressive, democratic and transformative governments are defined by less confidentiality, more accountability, transparency, and openness,” the DP pointed out.


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