8 Kenyan Ambassadors Snubbed by Host States

The fate of eight Kenyan diplomats appointed six months ago is in limbo because host countries have kept their accreditation in remission.

The seven include Ndegwa Muhoro (Malaysia), Hassan Wario (Austria), Benjamin Langat (Namibia), Johnson Kimani Ondieki (Turkey), Richard Ekai (Russia), Sarah Serem (China) and Paddy Ahenda (Qatar).

The appointment of Phyllis Kandie as ambassador to the European Union (EU) has also run into diplomatic headwinds.

People Daily attributed their plight to previous assignments in government and questions on personal issues.  

During diplomatic postings, the sending state, Kenya, has to inform the receiving state of change of ambassador which is followed by providing details known as the Agreem`e to the state.

The receiving state can accredit or reject them — either with or without documented reasons.

According to a source, Muhoro's appointment was blocked by Malaysia due to his blighted record during his tenure at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Former Sports CS Wario’s appointment may have run into trouble after he was charged together with Olympics legend Kipchoge Keino over the Ksh55 million Rio Olympics graft scandal.

“You don’t appear in court over corruption like Wario and you expect to serve as if nothing happened…the government can’t allow someone with tainted image to represent Kenya,” mentioned the source.

Countries usually employ delaying tactics after rejecting ambassadors until the sending country reads between the lines and appoints a replacement.

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