This Is My Kenya: The He-art of a Kenyan

The beauty of art is the leeway it gives an individual to arrange elements of everyday life in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions.

It gives the artist the opportunity to create the version of Kenya that they want.

For far too long, Kenyan art has been in the whispers and the time for its magnificence to echo far and wide has come.

There is so much talent to be discovered, so many treasures to be unearthed, and stories to be told through the noble talent.

For some artists, art is an opportunity to live the dream - showing Kenya as a glaring spectacle to behold.

The desire to show off your country may even make the dream take all forms of the word itself - even in your sleep, you see a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations waiting to be put down on canvas, ready to share with the world.

While some people attempt to reach their goals without taking much action, others choose to act on their goals, and only a few have the added advantage of also drawing those goals to them. (pun intended)

Action alone can bring positive results, but it is much faster to combine the two techniques.

While artists have been doing everything in their power to walk the distance to their dream of depicting Kenya using the graceful dance of their brush on their canvas, the best thing happened when they found a second force that would pull that dream closer.

Finding out that they could be part of the people who were being sort after by Safaricom to tell Kenya's story to the world was almost unreal.

This Is My Kenya made artists realise the power of collectively sharing beautiful Kenyan images and how it can change not only the perception of our country but also strengthen its economic presence and empower its citizens with increased tourism.

Artworks submitted brought to life the aspects of everyday experiences of Kenyans, right down to the local mutura feasting.

The best artists had the rare opportunity to feature in Safaricom’s 2019 calendar which also acts as a moving gallery and gives Kenyans a chance to bid and buy the original paintings.

The calendar will give Kenyans a chance to celebrate our country through the eyes of gifted artists and will be a magical experience as they uncover the pages every month.

 You can own one of these pieces by visiting the TIMK website