Identity of Mastermind Behind Fake State House Tenders

Police have initiated a hunt for a lady believed to be the mastermind behind multi-million fake tenders at State House and Harambee House.

The lady identified as Joy Wangari Kamau, poses as a project manager or procurement officer in the government.

According to Sunday Nation, she often introduces herself as Ms Muhoro and plays a key role in convincing targets on the authenticity of the tender documents.

“She is the lady we have been looking for. She is suspected to be the mastermind and engineer of the whole scam,” a detective privy to the investigation mentioned.

The lady is well-connected and has previously been spotted with high-ranking politicians and officials.

Detectives from the Serious Crimes Unit at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations are also looking for her male accomplice who alleges to be a senior military officer.

In 2018, Wangari had been charged at the Milimani Law Courts alongside three others including a former employee at Deputy President William Ruto’s office for defrauding Makueni businessman Stephen Ngei of Ksh180 million through a fake computer tender.

Recently, the court issued a third warrant of arrest against her and canceled her Ksh500,000 bond for absconding hearings in the fraud case.

Another of her alleged victims is Charles Gathii, who lost Ksh116 million after being awarded fake tenders to supply laptops at the President’s official residence and DoD in January and September last year. 

In this instance, she allegedly introduced herself as “Patricia Mareka”, a State House procurement officer.

“I met Madam Patricia Mereka on January 10, 2018, where I found a contract had been drafted complete with a confidential agreement that I was required to submit,” Gathii told the police.

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