Governor Waiguru Fires 540 Striking Health Workers

Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru, on Thursday evening announced the termination of 540 contracts belonging to striking health workers.

The move follows an extensive meeting that was convened comprising of Waiguru and her Cabinet officials after the striking officers led their vocal demonstrations right to their doorsteps on Wednesday.

"The cabinet resolved to terminate the services of all medical workers participating in the on-going, illegal and unprotected strike," an excerpt of the official statement disclosed.

Waiguru also revealed that the government would withhold the June salaries of all health workers who downed their tools despite being ordered to report back to work.

"It was also reported that in spite of the court order issued on May 24, 2019, terming the health workers strike illegal, some of the workers continued to participate in the strike," a section of the statement issued by Governor Waiguru affirmed.

The County government of Kirinyaga went on to announce their resolution to permanently retain the 98 health workers who had been asked to fill in due to the human resource gap created by the striking health workers during the month of June.

A total of 251 health officials were on record as having not taken part in the strike that was termed illegal, with Waiguru confirming her government would be seeking to recruit additional health workers to boost the flailing sector.

Chaos had ensued outside the county government offices on Wednesday, with clouds of tear gas hanging over the air after anti-riot police officers engaged striking health workers.

The workers were reportedly seeking an audience with the governor over the stalemate that has grounded health services in the county.

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