Flamboyant Lawyer Donald Kipkorir Living Large in Jamaica [PHOTOS]

Celebrated city lawyer, Donald Kipkorir, has left Kenyans with much to say after posting his photos in Montego Bay Jamaica where he had his birthday party.

The photos show him with a clique of friends having the time of their lives in an expensive chartered yacht in the Carribbean nation's shores.

He had earlier taken to Twitter to speak on his plans to cruise through America and Europe for his "annual summer holidays" and shared his photo while in a plane.

Kipkorir went on to post that he was representing Kenya well in Jamaica.

"Raising the Kenyan Flag high in Montego Bay, Jamaica to celebrate my Birthday!" Kipkorir's Facebook post read.

He uploaded a plethora of pictures while holding the Kenyan flag with one of his friends carrying the Tanzanian flag.

Kenyans did not take time before they expressed their varying sentiments regarding the lawyer's post.

A facebook user by the name Philip Kibor aired his admiration to Kipkorir's patriotism

"Donald B. Kipkorir I admire your patriotism... Happy birthday and enjoy your vacation," he commented

A follower by the name Vincent Chirchir Suge noted the lawyer's extravagant lifestyle.

"Eating life with a big spoon," while another by the name Irene Keino wished him a wonderful holiday.

Elijah Kibicho Ndungu thanked the flamboyant reveler for being Kenya's ambassador abroad, "Thanks for being our ambassador Bw wakili (Mr Lawyer)," he posted.

Below are photos showing Donald enjoying his birthday in Jamaica.