Jeff Koinange's Achievements That Were Used to Inspire College Students in US [VIDEO]

The graduating class of 2006 at the Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, New York, US, were inspired by the achievements of Citizen TV's Jeff Koinange, during his heydays as a student in the same institute.

In the event where Jeff was invited to speak to the graduating class, the Dean of Students called him upfront and read out his accomplishments before the dazzled audience.

In a video shared by the journalist on Youtube, the don then shared that Koinange was a very committed student and went straight to list his exemplary attributes.

She began with the fact that the celebrated media personality was the valedictorian of his class. Jeff topped his graduating class in the year 1989 when he completed his studies in the college.

In matters athletics and sports, Koinange was the captain of the institute's soccer team yet still managed to juggle between extra-curricular activities and academics.

He was also among the few qualified peer counselors in the Brooklyn-based college where he counseled and advised his fellow students.

Broadcasting was a sport for Jeff as he managed to be part of the anchors who worked for WKRB, which is the radio station owned and controlled by the Kingsborough Community College.

Young Koinange was all-rounded as he also ventured into the forays of politics as an active student government member. Being a renowned figure in the varsity, he could easily sway his colleagues to vote him in.

The Dean of Students further recalled that Jeff successfully graduated from New York University a few years later, and managed to bag a job as a desk assistant at ABC, where he was involved in many aspects of media productions.

It was at this moment that she invited the guest of honour, in this case, Jeff, to speak to the highly anticipating graduands who rendered the air with screams, shrieks and ululations as they marveled at the accomplishments that Koinange had managed to achieve as a student in the same institute.

Jeff gave a moving speech on his life as a student before he briefly shared his career journey and urged the graduating class to strive to be the best in whatever they did.