Senator's Father Who Was Ready to Kill Mzee Moi

Kimani Kihika - the father to Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika, was one of the very few people who talked ill of former President Daniel Arap Moi to his face.

When Moi was Vice-President in Mzee Jomo Kenyatta’s government, the former Nakuru MP never hid his political loathing for Moi. 

Once when they bumped into each other at the Attorney-General’s chambers, Kihika had asked AG Charles Njonjo within Moi’s hearing,

“Why are you defending this man? I can politically finish him in a day!”

Kihika was well known for his verbal assault against anyone in sight, using terms and phrases that would make current Gatundu MP, Moses Kuria look like a choir boy.

The only politician to have held 3 parliamentary seats for 3 different constituencies namely, Nakuru North, Laikipia West and eventually Molo, Kihika kickstarted a campaign to delete the clause in the constitution that allowed for the Vice-President to take over the presidency for a period of 90 days in case of a vacancy.

During one of the change-the-constitution meetings held in Meru town, the former MP threatened that he could kill his opponents at any time.

“I don’t joke around with anybody. I am a very dangerous man and can dispatch to the other world any man, any time!" he barked out.

His close associates, in fear of retribution from Mzee Moi, urged him to watch his back, but the firebrand legislator did not relent.

“If I know you have intentions to kill me, I will sabotage your plans and have you killed in broad daylight. Because I am not a fool, I will take the first opportunity to kill you. Why should I allow you to kill me and let my family suffer while your children are eating and drinking comfortably!” he once remarked at a rally in Nakuru.

The outspoken politician is remembered for championing the formation of joint land buying companies popularly known as “ngwataniro” which saw the birth of Jomo Kenyatta high school in Bahati among other institutions in Nakuru and Laikipia counties.

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