5 Facts About Chris Kirubi's Daughter Who Avoids Limelight

If there was a yearbook for billionaires in Kenya, chances are high that businessman Chris Kirubi would turn up on the first page, especially because of his sheer hard work and determination.

However, one distinct part of the billionaire's story that very few people are familiar with is the story of his daughter, Mary-Ann Musangi, who has successfully managed to stay off the limelight.

In a 2017 Business Daily article, Ms Musangi, who is also an entrepreneur, sat down with renowned writer Jackson Biko and revealed some facts about herself that the public was not aware of.

Her business acumen.

Just like her father, Musangi has also established herself as a shrewd businesswoman.

She owns Secret Garden, a continental restaurant along 14- Riverside Drive, Nairobi and also set up another one, Olpul,  at Two Rivers Mall.

During the interview, she revealed that she had dreams of expanding her brand internationally, especially after hosting some foreign guests who appreciated her work.

"I want my business to thrive. I don’t want to have only two restaurants. I would like to have a chain of restaurants. I would like to open Olpul in London because of the quality of the brand. I have had people from the US, New Zealand, Australia coming in here and they are just like, 'wow'. So this is something that I believe would work very well in any country across the world," she stated at the time.

Her Career

At the time of the interview, Musangi was just 46 years of age but already had a 23-year career under her belt.

Her profession has seen her work with big brands including Coca-Cola, KCB, GlaxoSmithKline and Ogilvy & Mather as a brand manager.

After working in the corporate world for 15 years, the Master of Science in Management (University of Surrey, UK) graduate left employment to become a mother and start the Secret Garden Restaurant.

She is Married

Musangi is also married with kids and holds her husband, lawyer Andrew Mukite Musangi, in high regard. She also disclosed that she loves her children.

"You know, I’m from a divorced home so I never got an opportunity to experience a family life in that respect. So for me, I was very scared getting married because I didn’t know how that would work.

"Nobody really taught me. I have a very patient husband, easy. We are similar in personality and it’s just like living with your best friend. Honestly, he’s very supportive, he’s there, he works with the kids...it’s been a home of fun," she disclosed of her husband.

She adores Oprah Winfrey

America billionaire and television mogul Oprah Winfrey is her greatest inpiration.

"She’s a strong woman. I’d ask her how she copes with the bad days and how she keeps going. I’d also ask her how she ensures that success is not just your own, but for the people that you work with, the people you encounter," she disclosed.

Her parents' divorce

Musangi revealed that she struggled with relationships and was scared of getting into one given the experience she had with her parents.

Even though, she stated that she loved both her parents because they all impacted her life differently.

"We’re similar in character. The work ethic, the stubbornness…(Laughs). My dad is always pushing it. He’s a man who should have retired by now but he will not," she spoke of her father.

In her mother's case, "She’s a lovely lady. She’s very low key. That’s where probably I get that from. She’s very hardworking too. She’s retired now. She loves her kids. Her life is her children," she stated.