5 of the Wealthiest Gubernatorial Candidates in the 2017 Elections Race

The devolution system introduced by the new Kenyan constitution has not only served to take services to the people, but it has also devolved power and wealth through the executive office of the governor.

The lucrative position appears to be attracting numerous contenders, some of them wealthy politicians and businessmen.

Kenyans.co.ke has researched on five of the wealthiest billionaires who will be seeking to become governors in the various 47 counties.

1. John Harun Mwau

Mwau is arguably the leader in this pack of billionaire politicians.

The former policeman has built a business empire and is never shy of showcasing his wealth through blatant opulence.

At one time, he flew to a harambee where his opponent was expected to preside over a fundraiser only to donate the full amount that the local community needed, after which he requested them to go home and rest. His opponent was shocked to find an empty venue!

The bearded businessman holds a record as perhaps the only Kenyan who has built a private railway (connecting his warehouse to the old grid).

Among the companies Mwau was listed as director included Mwundo Ltd, Africa Centre for Hope Initiative Everywhere, Harun International Ltd, JH City Ltd, Preme Ltd, JN Records Ltd, Pepe Enterprises Ltd, Sheltown Ltd, Sports Champions Ltd, Tom Brown Ltd, Vitu Ltd and Kuston Kenya Ltd.

2. Evans Kidero

The current Nairobi governor is one of the wealthiest of all those who will be seeking to become governor’s in this election.

Despite being born in Majengo estate, Kidero has made a name for himself in the corporate world before retreating to politics when he was elected the first Nairobi County boss.

His wealth is mainly in real estate and is reported to own lucrative property in Nairobi’s upperhill, Kitisuru, and in Muthaiga where he lives.

3. Suleiman Shahbal

The Mombasa politician who is seeking to become the county’s second governor is also immensely wealthy.

Shahbal is a signifant shareholder at GulfCap Group and Gulf Investments Limited and has over 23 years experience in banking with large multinational and regional financial institutions.

The Mombasa politician has been on record revealing that he spent Sh200 Million campaigning in the 2013 elections.

4. William Kabogo

His wealth is still shrouded in mystery but going by his luxurious lifestyle, the Kiambu Governor is one of the wealthiest politicians in the country.

5. Ali Hassan Joho

Like Kabogo, details of his wealth remain scanty.

However, much of his wealth comes from the Joho family businesses, mainly in logistic companies based at the coast.

So wealthy is the youthful governor that he is rumoured to have spent over Sh700 Million in the elections that saw him become governor.