Protests Erupt After Chief is Accused of Staging Suicide in Police Station [VIDEO]

Silhoutte figure of man holding  a rope
Silhoutte figure of man holding a rope
Gulf Today

Residents of Kipsaina area of Trans Nzoia County on Tuesday, May 12, staged a protest against their local chief whom they accused of staging the suicide in a police station.

The irate residents blocked the busy Kitale - Lowdar Highway using logs and stones while carrying woods, paralysing transport for over six hours.

It took a contingent of anti-riot policemen to calm down the protests from the residents who demanded action to be taken on the chief.

Police and members of the public outside UNHCR offices in Westlands where a Ugandan refugee committed suicide on April 13, 2020.
Police and members of the public outside UNHCR offices in Westlands where a Ugandan refugee committed suicide on April 13, 2020.
The Star

A resident who identified herself as Jessica claimed that the chief beat the man and later took him to the police station where he died.

"Our big problem is our brother yesterday was taken from his hotel where he even left his food cooking and was taken to the chief's camp. They beat him severely and when he was almost losing his life he was taken to the police station.

"A few moments later we hear that he committed suicide and he had handcuffs. How will a person who has handcuffs strangle himself?" said the woman.

Jessica also noted that the man was picked by the chief in the company of a police officer and revealed that their MCA assured them that the situation would be dealt with.

"He was picked by Chief Krugat and a police officer who later fled. Now we want the chief. We don't know how we will be helped but our MCA said that when evening comes he will have spoken to the chief," noted the woman. 

It is still unclear what offence the man committed that warranted him to be picked up by the chief and beaten up.

The incident mirrors another case where a man was said to have committed suicide in a police cell a week earlier inside Rumuruti Police Station on Thursday, May 7.

Henry Wachira Njuguna alias Machua was said to have taken his life inside the police station in Laikipia County.

On Tuesday, April 14, another man sneaked back into a police station in Kenya to commit suicide hours after being set free by police.

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