MP KJ Imitates CS Kagwe in Hilarious Churchill Show Rendition [VIDEO]

Dagoretti North MP John Kiarie (left) and CS Mutahi Kagwe.
Dagoretti North MP John Kiarie (left) and CS Mutahi Kagwe.

They say East or West, home is best and for Dagoretti MP John Kiarie popularly known as KJ, home seems to have always been on the comedy stage.

While appearing on Churchill Show's Sunday, June 7 edition that focused on his journey, the lawmaker proved that he still had a few jokes up his sleeves when he decided to imitate Health CS Mutahi Kagwe's daily Covid-19 press briefings.

During an interview with the show's host Daniel Ndambuki, KJ was reliving his impressions of well known public figures during his stint as part of the Redykyulass group.

Ndambuki then dared him to do an impression of a current leader and after debating, the two settled on Kagwe who seems to be the fan-favourite public leader for imitation during this period.

Dagoretti South Member of Parliament John Kiarie.
Dagoretti South Member of Parliament John Kiarie.
John Kiarie

"If you continue to behave normally, this disease will treat us abnormally. Really, Really," KJ opened his rendition with Kagwe's most famous statement that lives on across the internet as a hilarious meme.

"In the last 24 hours, we have conducted 1,000 tests of which 24 have returned positive and our people are taking this thing so lightly.

"People are going to eateries and orders one sausage and two beers before moving to the next for the same order," continued KJ while hitting intonations.

He narrated that he came up with the former comedy group's name on a night before a talent show at Kenyatta University and he was the sole performer. When he registered for the show, he had intended to have the name 'Ridiculous' misspelled.

His comedy career, however, started in primary school when he noticed that every time he was invited to tell a story in front of the class, he would leave his colleagues in stitches.

He was part of the drama club while in primary and secondary school and had also developed another skill in drawing that saw him sell numerous cartoons in newspapers around the country.

"When I got to High School, I remember people used to pay me to write them love letters they would send to girl schools. I would draw the writing pad and write it with appealing calligraphy," he narrated.

He started the Redykyulass craze during the first year in university but teamed up with Walter Mong'are after he noticed that he looked like former President Daniel arap Moi who became the biggest sketch subjects of the group.

He disclosed that the group kept working hard until they decided to have their show, Redykyulass, on TV but stations feared to pick it up since it was impersonating the then President.

"The first time Redykyulass went on air was in December 1999. At that time, the politics was very heated and here we were with a show that had an impersonation of the president. So NTV took it and before we got to episode 4 it became the most-watched show in Kenya's history," he explained.

Kiarie was elected as Dagoretti North MP 2017.

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