Governor Oparanya’s Guard Arrested After Losing Gun In A Bar

Undated file image of a suspect in handcuffs after being arrested
A file image of a suspect in handcuffs after being arrested.

A senior police officer attached to Kakamega County Governor Wycliffe Oparanya's security detail was arrested on Monday, March 22, after he lost his gun in a bar fight.

The police constable is said to have been involved in a fight at a bar in Harambee market, Matungu Sub-county - at which point he lost his assigned Ceska pistol which was loaded with 14 rounds of ammunition.

The officer is alleged to have argued with one of the bar patrons in the bar leading to a fight. It was during the commotion that the officer is alleged to have lost the pistol together with his mobile phone.

Reports indicate that the officer whose gun was stolen had walked to the bar accompanied by a county government officer and other police officers when the incident happened.

File image of a pistol

According to Kakamega County Police Commander Hassan Barua, police officers from Mumias later recovered the firearm from an employee of the county government and who the police are treating as a suspect in the case.

The officers also recovered the constable’s lost mobile phone and a motorcycle said to belong to the county government.

Reports indicate that the 27-year old suspect wrapped the gun in a plastic bag and buried it in a shallow hole inside a banana farm.

The officers are said to have visited the suspect’s home twice in an attempt to retrieve the gun, before finally succeeding in locating the gun - and apprehending the man.

The officer who lost the gun, together with the county official are expected to be arraigned in court on Tuesday, March 23.

Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya at Kenya School of Government (KSG) for a consultative meeting on February 20, 2020
Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya at Kenya School of Government (KSG) for a consultative meeting on February 20, 2020
Simon Kiragu
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