Govt Introduces Rule Requiring All Landlords to Install CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras in Nairobi
A photo of CCTV cameras mounted on a road in Nairobi

The government will have access to Close Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras in all public facilities should a new CCTV policy be passed by parliament.

In the new CCTV Policy, the government seeks to have direct access to CCTV cameras mounted in institutions, businesses and facilities within public areas.

These include offices, schools, universities, restaurants and pubs, shopping malls and hotels.

CCTV footage released by an Airbnb in Nairobi

Owners of the various institutions will be required to remit to the ministry raw footage recorded by their CCTV cameras every three months (quarterly).

In addition, the ministry demands the cameras to be installed in all public areas across the country. The installed CCTVs will have to be registered with the relevant authorities.

The owners will be mandated to ensure the cameras operate 24/7 and report any malfunctions immediately when they occur.

They will further be required to report all security-related incidences captured by the cameras to the relevant authorities. Failure to comply with the policy would warrant closure of businesses, fines and even a jail sentence if proven guilty in a court of law.

Installation of CCTV cameras that will cover police stations, State House and military camps is unlawful.

Monitoring of the installation, operation and management of CCTV systems by the Interior ministry will be part of a new approach by the government to curb crime and improve public safety. 

The government guaranteed privacy maintaining that access to the system and recorded footage will only be accessed by authorized people.

Footage obtained from CCTV cameras have been used by the police to identify crime suspects. In some court cases, they have been presented and evidence.

GSU officers caught on CCTV during a robbery on March 12, 2021.
GSU officers caught on CCTV during a robbery on March 12, 2021.
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