TikTok Partners With Government To Showcase Kenya's Beauty to The World

The Great Wildebeest migration.
The Great Wildebeest migration.

TikTok together with the Kenya Tourism Board, International Fund for Animal Welfare and Conservation International have partnered to beam the Great Wildebeest Migration live, from the Maasai Mara National Reserve.

The event is live on the official African TikTok page from today, the 25th of August to the 29th of August. The event will be airing live from 6:30 - 8:00 and 10:30 - 14:00 Kenyan time. 

Jeffrey Wu, who is an award winning photographer is covering the event and will also be playing the role of the host. 

From today's live show, it was evident that there are many people around the world interested in watching the Kenyan beauty. 

Migration of wildebeests
Migration of wildebeests

Jeffrey has mentioned that they are filming from the Mara River and that they have been able to bring many people together all over the globe to witness this breathtaking event. 

Through this live event that TikTok has made possible, the partnership hopes to bring this phenomenon closer to everyone and connect people who share a passion for wildlife. 

The CEO of The Kenya Tourism Board says that the event will play a key role in raising destination Kenya brand visibility around the globe. 

“We are always looking for strategic collaborations to position the country as a preferred tourist destination and this partnership is a great milestone,” Dr. Betty Raider added. 

She also added that as much as we want to protect Kenya’s rich wildlife, we should also highlight it and share the beauty with the world. 

"Together with TikTok we can engage the world with content and experiences from any part of the country and drive more awareness of our country and wildlife, especially during this time when travel is limited with the aim of curbing the spread of the virus,” Dr. Betty added. 

The board now says it is keen to ensure MagicalKenya remains among the top in the globe and they will use TikTok to make this possible.

Besides that, this is also a great strategy for Kenya as the KTB is on the move to position Kenya a luxury destination. 

Tourists in Kenya
Tourists in Kenya