Kimani Ngunjiri: UDA is Working With ICC Investigators

Former Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri addresses a gathering in Nakuru County on Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Kimani Ngunjiri

Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri on Monday, December 13, sensationally claimed that the International Criminal Court's  investigators had arrived in the country to assist the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) protect Deputy President William Ruto's votes in 2022

Ngunjiri noted that the UDA brigade would take all the necessary measures in order to protect the votes- pointing out that a number of investigators from The Hague were probing the relevant data. 

He dispelled rumours of the deep state's influence to alter the votes to sway in a particular candidate's favour, with the assurance that every single vote would be secured. 

"We've even called people from The Hague who are ready, they're looking for data to ensure the safety of elections," he stated.

Jubilee Vice-Chairman David Murathe speaks to the media in 2018

Further, he lashed out at Jubilee Vice-chair David Murathe over claims of trying to sanitize the name and image of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader Raila Odinga.

He noted that Murathe would not be able to consolidate votes from Mt Kenya to sway in Raila's favour. 

"Murathe, you sold your seat to Royal Media Services boss Samuel Kamau Macharia, no one can give you a position to chair a burial committee since you look for means to solicit money."

"You're lying to Raila about Mt Kenya votes that you will try to restore the image that you tainted during the past elections," he stated. In a gloves-off manner, Ngunjiri went on to question Murathe's wealth. 

"You were bankrupt, became a Chinese broker and then bought hotels in Malindi in order to build apartments. Then you come and talk bad about Deputy President William Ruto?" he posed.

The legislator then shifted his aim towards President Uhuru Kenyatta- labelling him as a dictator for not following court orders, giving positions to the opposition and using the military in order to govern the country.

Further, he questioned the investigations of the Covid-19 billionaires expose that implicated a number of influential people. he pointed fingers at the politicians who attended the Azimio la Umoja conference on Friday, December 10- alleging that they were part of the expose.

"Mr. President you said 21 days, since then you have never talked about it. We thought you could talk about that but you didn't. Those politicians are going to Raila's side since he can sanitize them, they are all thieves," Ngunjiri ranted.

The legislator also didn't take too kindly to Uhuru breaking protocol and inviting Raila to speak after he had delivered his speech.

The vocal legislator faulted the President for the strained relationship with his Deputy - pointing out that Uhuru had allowed others to interfere in the planned Jubilee agenda. 

As the election season heats up, politicians will draw their guns and aim fire at their opponents in a bid to woo the voters to rally behind their cause.

Former Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri addresses a gathering in Nakuru County on Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Kimani Ngunjiri
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