CCTV Footage Shows Last Moments of Man Who Set Himself on Fire Inside a Car

On lookers surround a vehicle in which a man set himself and his daughter on fire on Sunday, August 21, 2022.
On lookers surround a vehicle in which a man set himself and his daughter on fire on Sunday, August 21, 2022.

CCTV footage has revealed the last moment before Denis Musyoka set himself on fire inside a car at Nasra estate in Nairobi, on Sunday, August 21.

The footage obtained by detectives showed Musyoka wrestling his wife, who was trying to force herself out of the car.

As the battle ensued, Musyoka drew a kitchen knife before stabbing his estranged lover several times. The lover - identified Elizabeth Munyalo - however, managed to outwrestle the visibly agitated man before breaking free and calling for help.

Musyoka locked himself and his 2-year-old daughter in the car before setting it on fire. Well-wishers who were alerted by Musyoka's partner successfully pulled out the girl from the vehicle, which was engulfed in flames. 

Police officers at a kidnapping scene
DCI officers combing through a crime scene

Preliminary reports indicated that the man resorted to torching the car following escalated domestic wrangles.

The kid died while being rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital. Her father, who remained put in the vehicle, succumbed to severe burns. Musyoka's body was moved to Mama Lucy Hospital Mortuary.

Munyalo, who bled profusely from lacerations on her neck due to multiple stab wounds, explained that they had separated due to domestic wrangles.

She disclosed that the deceased threatened her twice before she decided to move out. She reported the matter at Kayole and Embakasi East Police stations.

The two, however, agreed to share parental responsibilities of their 2-year-old daughter. 

"We had underlying domestic issues from last year and decided to end our relationship. After I moved out, he ordered that I give him back the baby," Munyalo stated.

"After so many threats, I decided to allow him to see the baby. He was angry after I informed him that I was not available on Saturday when my daughter was celebrating her birthday. So when I took the baby on Sunday, he told me that he was going to kill all of us including the baby."

Munyalo is recuperating and is in stable condition. Police recovered a knife and a jerry can containing petrol at the scene of the crime.

An image of a team of police officers arriving at a crime scene on December 8, 2021.
An image of a team of police officers arriving at a crime scene in Nairobi on December 8, 2021.
Photo: DCI
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