Govt Seeks Ksh300 Billion to Effect Ruto's Water Plan

Ababu Namwamba.
President William Ruto signs an executive order on September 13, 2022, at State House Nairobi. Looking on are Davis Chirchir (left) Ababu Namwamba and Deputy President Rigfathi Gachagua.

Coast Water Works Development Agency (CWWDA) board Chairman Daniel Mwaringa announced that he will be seeking Public Private Partnership (PPP) to address water challenges in the coast region.

Mwaringa who was appointed by President William Ruto on Thursday, February 2, revealed this was the only way to address the perennial water issue at the coast region.

CWWDA acting Managing Director Engineer Martin Tsuma estimated that it will cost Ksh300 billion investment to achieve that.

Chairman of the Coast Water Works Development Agency, Daniel Katana Mwaringa at the agency headquarters in Mombasa on February 3, 2023
Chairman of the Coast Water Works Development Agency, Daniel Katana Mwaringa at the agency headquarters in Mombasa on February 3, 2023
Coast Water Works Development Agency

“I have been briefed on what needs to be done and I am satisfied that the water problem will be a thing of the past if fully implemented,” the Chairman remarked on February 3.

The agency did a breakdown of the multi-billion water projects that will benefit from the Ksh300 billion sum.

Ksh25 billion will be used to construct Mwache multipurpose Dam in Kwale County which has stalled since 2018.

On why some key projects had stalled, Mwaringa remarked it is because they are capital-intensive and that is why innovative ways like PPP were being used to raise the capital.

The Mwache Dam will be instrumental in supplying neighboring Mombasa County which has no fresh water source.

Ksh270 billion will be used to adequately cover the issues of water and waste water.

“For water bulk supply alone, it will cost the government a whooping Sh120 billion while the wastewater master plan requires Sh140 billion,” Tsuma explained.

Tsuma further revealed part of the sum will be used to construct a 220-kilometer Mzima pipeline to Mombasa.

CWWDA announced this is in line with Ruto’s plan to privatize the water sector.

“The President has encouraged PPPs to ensure the deficits are covered, So if we can be successful in implementing the water and waste infrastructure through the PPPs, it can bring a lot of relief,” Tsuma remarked.

Ruto on September 29, 2022, revealed that the government will privatize the sector so as to enhance water delivery.

“We will adopt a public-private partnership framework by entering into water purchase agreements with private investors, this will increase access of water in Kenya to 80 per cent,” he announced back then.

A photo collage of different water service providers regulated by The Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB)
A photo collage of different water service providers regulated by The Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB)