Azimio Leaders Call for Uhuru's Resignation, Decry Arrest Plot

An image of former President Uhuru Kenyatta during a past event
An image of former President Uhuru Kenyatta during a past event
The Standard

With Azimio la Umoja set to hold their protest rally on Sunday, February 5, leaders affiliated to the coalition lamented that there was a plot by the government to arrest them.

Embakasi East lawmaker Babu Owino on Saturday, January 4 revealed that he had received a call informing him of an impending arrest prior to the Kamukunji rally in Kibra.

“I was informed by an officer that come next week there will be arrests. They can come in the form of arrests or change their minds to something else,” he stated.

In his remarks, the vocal legislator disclosed that the government intended to use the death of the Embakasi East Returning officer as the cause of his arrest.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino during a past political rally
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino during a past political rally

"They should put more charges on me for all atrocities done in the country, I am a beast of burden. I will carry them on my back if they are scared to put them on the right people," he revealed.

Equally, the Embakasi legislator sustained his accusations against former President Uhuru Kenyatta revealing that the recent security downscaling was a continuation of a long con.

“The first person to be employed in this country by Ruto was who? Uhuru. Would you employ your enemy as a peacekeeper?" he paused.

“If you want to see the genuineness of all this, Uhuru should resign and come to our demonstrations and say tibim and tialala. Without that we are not kids,” he affirmed.

His statement was echoed by Nairobi Senator and ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna who dared the government to arrest them.

“He is not the first President to attempt to use instruments of power to intimidate and coarse and harass political opponents. Just like the others, he will fail too,” he opined.

"There is nobody that is intimidated by William Ruto or his government. The rights that we are enjoying under article 37 are not given to us by Ruto. These are our rights," he added.

These accusations come in the backdrop of rallies lined up by the Azimio leader Raila Odinga who has been on an onslaught against President William Ruto's government that he termed illegitimate.

In his demands to the government, Odinga seeks to have the centralised, national elections management system scrapped and the country to adopt a county-based, regional arrangement akin to the United States style.

In his remarks while in Nigeria, Odinga argued that if the electoral body is devolved into regions or counties, it would increase credibility and transparency unlike the current situation in Kenya where it is centralised.

Azimio Chief Raila Odinga and Leadership Group Director Abraham Nda-Ishaiah in Abuja, Nigeria on January 30, 2023.jpg
Azimio Chief Raila Odinga and Leadership Group Director Abraham Nda-Ishaiah in Abuja, Nigeria on January 30, 2023.
ODM Party
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