Traction Mat: Simple Tool to Help Your Car Get Out of Mud

An off-road vehicle uses a traction mat to get out of mud.
An off-road vehicle uses a traction mat to get out of mud.

It is arguably a motorist's worst nightmare if they get stuck in mud or sandy terrain during a trip. The go-to option for most drivers is accelerating the car to get out of the situation but in some cases, it ends up digging a bigger hole for the wheel to get stuck in. 

At this point, a tow truck might be an option for many, but a small alternative can save you a lot of time and energy. Traction mats are particularly ideal for drivers especially those cruising along off-road surfaces. 

Whether you're driving during harsh or extreme weather conditions, the mats are a solution for vehicle motion or extraction. 

A photo of the traction mat in use on a sandy terrain by a 4x4 vehicle.
A photo of the traction mat in use on a sandy terrain by a 4x4 vehicle.
Maxsa Innovations

According to experts, the non-slip surface of the tool gives you the necessary grip to get the vehicle in motion. 

Made from high-strength textile materials, the mat consists of a specific polymer that aids in providing the rough surface needed to aid the wheel to cruise along the terrain. 

Some are also made of heavy-duty polypropylene which is ideal as the resilient material undergoes higher levels of physical stress for general durability. Owing to this, the mats are rollable, light, resistant and easy to clean. 

The upper part of the mat is fitted with studs that improve the grip of the wheels to prevent slipping.

How to Use

Simply wedge the mat in front of the drive tires. 

Slowly accelerate to engage the traction pads and get back on track.

The mat has specially designed cleats that grip your tire and angled cleats on the bottom that easily grips the mud or any terrain. 

A backup option for the traction mat is the off-road shovel which resembles a giant spoon that lets you remove ground dirt from your path. 

In some cases, motorists moving along the coastal line, such as in Mombasa, Malindi and Watamu, use the off-road shovel to clear the road and remove mud during their travels.

An off-road car fitted with a spade on a spare tyre
An off-road car fitted with a spade on a spare tyre.
Motors Auto