Winnie Odinga Schools Sakaja & Advises Him on Nairobi Development

Winnie Sakaja
East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) lawmaker Winnie Odinga (Left)Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja on May 23, 2023(Right)
Winnie Odinga/Johnson Sakaja

Winnie Odinga, on Monday, May 29, advised Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja on how to transform Nairobi and ensure the environment stays clean at all times.

In a statement, the opposition leader Raila Odinga's daughter noted that it was not difficult for the governor to start a 'clean up your city' campaign to get rid of the filth and litter across the city.

According to her, there were simply seven steps to take that will provide job opportunities for Kenyans and see money invested into the slums while making the city more pleasant.

“I can't understand why Nairobi County can't run a 'clean up your city’ campaign. It is a rudimentary list, but it’s a start.

A past image of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga's last-born daughter, Winnie Odinga posing for a photo.
Winnie Odinga posing for a photo.
Winnie Odinga

“It will create jobs, move money in the slums and estates and make the city pleasant. Just start something, anything,” Winnie stated.

Her first step was ensuring that metal bins were installed across the city and providing educational materials.

Step 1 - Metal Bins

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) lawmaker stated that Sakaja could contract welders from the Gikomba market to make and paint metal bins.

The metal bins can then be distributed around the city to reduce littering.

When questioned on vandalism and how to ensure that the bins are a sustainable choice, she stated that there were enough resources to make new ones.  

“I believe in us. (We can) make new ones. Start the process again. Money circulates,” she explained in the event bins got vandalised by scrap metal dealers.

Step 2 - Educate

Winnie also advised the Nairobi Governor to educate residents on why and how to keep the city clean.

Further, she stated that Sakaja could use community workers to put up signage in different areas around the city, print T-shirts, and distribute them to people.

“Put up signage. Use community workers and even hire rollerbladers. Honestly, put them in T-shirts to go around educating people,” she noted.

Step 3 - Hire Cleaners.

The EALA lawmaker added that the governor could also hire cleaners to clear drainages around the city.

According to Winnie, the drainages were one of the ways the city was constantly unpleasant and dirty.

Step 4- PSV Laws

Winnie advised the Nairobi governor to enforce laws ensuring Public Service Vehicles(PSVs) have bins.

She noted that it was important not just to have the laws but also to insist that they were enforced by those who could easily break them.

Further, she stated that Sakaja could hire inspection officers to ensure the bins were also put on motorbikes.

Step 5 - Fines

Additionally, Winnie Odinga asked the Nairobi governor to enforce laws, charging fines to those who littered the city. 

Step 6- Timing 

Winnie noted that the timing for garbage collection was important, adding that it should be done daily. 

She stated that Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja should have county tricks to collect garbage at 3:00 am every day. 

Nairobi Governor speaking during a meeting with Geordin Hill-Lewis, The Executive Mayor of Cape Town on May 23, 2023.
Nairobi Governor speaking during a meeting with Geordin Hill-Lewis, The Executive Mayor of Cape Town on May 23, 2023.
Johnson Sakaja