Video Captures Boda Rider Wrestling 5 Cops Trying to Arrest Him

A man wrestling police officer in Mombasa on June 15 during an arrest.
A man wrestling police officer in Mombasa on June 15 during an arrest.

On Saturday, June 17,  a video of a boda boda rider wrestling five officers during an attempted arrest in Mombasa elicited mixed reactions on social media.

At the start of the video, one officer is filmed approaching the middle-aged man prompting an argument between the two.

During the incident reported to have occurred on Thursday, June 15, the boda boda rider is seen shoving one of the officers prompting the other four to go to his aid.

The officers immediately move in to arrest the motorist with one attempting to handcuff him.

A man wrestling police officer in Mombasa on June 15 during an arrest.
A man wrestling police officer in Mombasa on June 15 during an arrest.

In the clip, the rider is heard screaming, asking the officers to let him go insisting that he had done nothing wrong. He stated that he was picking up a customer and wanted to go about his business.

"Leave me alone afande (police). Let me go. Please tell these officers to let me go," the man stated.

While attempting to resist arrest, the man was also captured biting on one of the officers while almost wrestling another to the ground.

A crowd quickly approaches the scene paralysing traffic along the two-way traffic road.

"Leave him. What you guys (police) are doing is not okay," the crowd is heard shouting.

The motorist under siege, however, was able to overpower the cops and made his way out of the scene as the other officers embarked on the traffic control that was building up.

It is yet to be established whether the motorist was later taken into police custody while the offence he was accused of committing remained a mystery.

After the video emerged online, Kenyans on social media differed on who was wrong.

Undated file image of two men in police handcuffs
A file image of two men in police handcuffs after being apprehended in August 2019.
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