Truth Behind Viral Nyandarua Houses Charging Ksh 489K Rent

A photo collage of Nyandarua Senator Methu Muhia and a gated community in Dali City, California, USA.
A photo collage of Nyandarua Senator Methu Muhia and a gated community in Dali City, California, USA.
Methu Muhia, City of Dali City

Social media was on Saturday, June 24, awash with photos of an exquisite gated community linked to Boiman town, Gathanje Sub-county, Nyandarua.

The photo was shared by Nyandarua Senator John Methu Muhia with a caption claiming that the photo represented the entire town.

A fact-check by, however, established that the perfectly gated neighbourhood is Dali City in California and not Boiman Town as claimed by the Senator.

The photo showed a well-structured gated community with colourful houses. The cost of living in Dali City is reportedly 143 per cent higher than the United States national average - including the utility prices estimated to be 32 per cent higher than the national average.

A photo of Boiman town signage.
A photo of Boiman town signage in Nyandarua County.
Huku Boiman

In Dali City, the average monthly rent for a studio is Ksh253,435, a one-bedroom costs Ksh280,826, a two-bedroom goes for Ksh375,588 and three bedroom costs an average of Ksh489,994.

A majority of Kenyans wondered if the photo was the blueprint for the recently launched housing program. Others, however, shifted the conversation to policies the government ought to implement to achieve an organised residential neighbourhood like that of Dali.

"I wish one day in Kenya we shall have this kind of arrangement. It looks like Buruburu was very organised and Kenyans started rearranging the houses. It is no longer Buruburu but Buru because they took the true face of it," wondered Maina Muya. 

"Maybe when they go to heaven because for now, there is no plan for Affordable Housing Programme," Jazika News. commented. 

"Since when did Kenya ever have American-designed homes?" read some of the comments. 

Affordable Housing

Members of Parliament recently passed the Finance Bill, 2023, requiring formal employees to fork out 1.5 per cent of their gross salary for the Affordable Housing Project beginning July 1, 2023. Employers will also be required to match the 1.5 per cent housing deduction.

On June 21, 2023, 184 MPs voted in support of the housing tax while 72 opposed it in a heated debate between the Kenya Kwanza allied MPs and their counterparts from the Azimio opposition coalition.

According to President William Ruto, the Finance Bill will contribute to Kenya Kwanza's agenda to build 250,000 houses every year under the programme.

Housing units at the Bondeni Affordable Housing Project in Nakuru County on Monday February 13, 2023
Housing units at the Bondeni Affordable Housing Project in Nakuru County on Monday, February 13, 2023