Government employees will soon be compelled to give bank details and list the assets of their spouses if a Bill tabled in parliament by Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah goes through.
The Bill will compel all public officials to share details of their wives and children's property in a move to combat corruption. The Bill also covers those in polygamous marriages.
Civil servants will be required to provide details of assets including cash in banks, bonds, stock and shares held in private accounts on top of loans, and school fees among other expenses.
Others include houses owned, vehicles, aircraft, machinery, jewelry, pets and other assorted artifacts.
"The declaration is for the income, assets and liabilities of a public official, his spouse or spouses and his dependent children under the age of 18 years," the Bill reads in part.
"All public officers are required to complete and submit their declarations to the Commission, unless the Commission has delegated its functions to another body or the reporting authority of the concerned public officer."
Spouses with intellectual properties will also be compelled to declare them. Donations to charitable organisations will also be covered under the proposed law.
All public officials will be required to provide the information 30 days after receiving the appointment letter if the bill is passed.
"The obligation to make declarations applies to all state and public officers including those on leave, under disciplinary action, secondment and overseas assignments, unless the Attorney General has granted a dispensation exempting an officer or a certain category of public official from filing their declarations for reasons to be published in the Gazette," it proposes.
To track their net worth over time, the Bill suggests that all government employees will be required to update the information on dates approved by the parliament.
Defending the Bill, Ichung'wah noted that it does discriminate or infringe on the rights of civil servants but enhances accountability in government.