UDA Secures China's Support in Quest to Remain Unbeatable

From left; Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Zhou Pingjian, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and UDA Sec Gen Cleophas Malala on August 17, 2023.
From left; Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Zhou Pingjian, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, and UDA Sec Gen Cleophas Malala on August 17, 2023.

The Chinese government on Thursday pledged support to President William Ruto's United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party to secure his legacy. 

Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Zhou Pingjian, reiterated that China has facilitated training for Kenya similar to others conducted in various countries across Africa and the globe.

"China and Kenya have enjoyed a strategic partnership for 60 years. We have confidence in the leadership of President William Ruto," Zhou Pingjian stated. 

"We see a lot of potential for further cooperation. We are ready to facilitate party-to-party exchanges,” he added. 

 Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Zhou Pingjian with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on August 17, 2023
Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Zhou Pingjian with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on August 17, 2023

The ambassador met with UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at Karen.

Gachagua, while addressing the delegates, complained that political parties often die in Kenya after the General Election, but UDA sought to be around for 100 years like China's Communist Party.

“The United Democratic Alliance is the younger brother of CPC, but it is the party of the future. We want to develop it like CPC. Work with us in creating structures and building the capacity of our staff," the DP remarked.

“It cannot be a party for elections only. We must make UDA stay around for 100 years. Our Ideology is Bottom-up Economic Transformation.  Training some of our staff will enable them to come back and transfer the knowledge to others,”  Gachagua added.

The second-in-command emphasised that parties established on firm ideologies contribute to the socioeconomic stability of a country. 

Besides the sustenance of UDA, the two leaders discussed trade and investment opportunities to create jobs for the youth.

 Gachagua engaged with the President of the Xinhua News Agency, Fu Hua of China, to look for a way forward in revamping KBC.

“We want to reboot KBC into a vibrant and objective agency in informing the people of Kenya," the DP stated.

Hua emphasised that Xinhua is ready to work with the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation in integrating new technology and innovation into impactful story-telling.

Entrance to KBC
A photo of the entrance at the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC).