JKIA Bosses Slapped With 7-Day Ultimatum

The entrance of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in August 2019.

Following the recent nationwide 14-hour blackout that occurred over the weekend, Operation Linda Ugatuzi, a prominent lobby group, on Monday called for a comprehensive investigation into the incident and issued a list of 5 demands it wants to be met by the management of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). 

Led by its Chairperson Professor Fred Ogola, the lobby demanded the airport management publish a manifest of all passenger plane arrivals at JKIA for the entire period the country experienced a power outage.

In addition to the passenger plane arrivals, the lobby also wants the airport management to provide documents detailing passenger plane departures during the specified timeframe.

A terminal at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi Kenya
A terminal at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi Kenya.

"We have credible information that during the entire time of the power outage, the standby generators serving various terminals at the JKIA failed to kick in after the outage, leading to an unprecedented paralysis in the entire airport’s operation but also the flight control towers and the airport’s runways" read part of the statement.

The lobby also wants JKIA to publish a manifest of all cargo planes that landed at the airport during the 14-hour window.

Conclusively, the nonprofit also wants the airport bosses to furnish the organisation with a manifest of the passengers who flew into the country on August 25 over the course of the blackout.

Ogola argued that JKIA is obligated to provide the necessary information in accordance with Article 35 (1)(b) of the Constitution, which underscores each citizen's right to access information held by another person. 

The lobbyist warned that if the information is not provided within the stipulated timeline, he would move to court to seek legal redress.

"Even as we wait for your putative office to act upon this request, we wish to remind you that failure to respond to a request for information required for the exercise of another right or fundamental freedom constitutes an offense punishable under the laws of Kenya," read the statement in parts.

During the power outage that hit different parts of the country, tourists at the JKIA were left stranded for hours as generators failed.

Following the mishap, Alex Gitari was fired as  Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) Managing Director.

Gitari was replaced with Henry Ogoye who will serve in an acting capacity until a substantive appointment is made.

Governance and political expert Professor Fred Ogola
Governance and political expert Professor Fred Ogola
Strathmore University