How to Appeal HELB Scholarship After Being Denied

Ezekiel machogu
Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu speaking on Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
Ministry of Education

The Universities Fund has advised students whose applications for government scholarships have been rejected that they still have a chance to get the funding.

In a statement published by Universities Fund on Thursday, September 14, the agency invited students to file appeals, to allow them another chance to secure much needed finances for their higher education.

According to the Universities Fund, the decision to deny students the scholarships could be due to a number of reasons including; an oversight or by mistake on the part of the government officials.

Universities Fund explained that even students who got less money than what they expected could ask the government to review the offer upwards or downwards.

An image of the University of Nairobi (UoN) towers in Nairobi County.
A photo of the University of Nairobi (UoN) towers in Nairobi County.

"An individual may appeal or request a review of their Government Student Scholarships award if they were not satisfied with the amount given.

"This includes unsuccessful scholarship applications," Universities Fund explained in a statement.

To appeal for more government scholarship funding on the University Fund Platform, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to portal and log in to your account.

2. In your account, review the application

3. Click on the Appeals tab.

4. Submit your appeal

In the Reason for Appeal field, explain why you need more funding. Be sure to include specific examples of how the additional funding will help you succeed in your studies.

Attach any supporting documents, such as financial statements, academic transcripts, or letters of recommendation.

5. Click on the "Submit" button.

The University Fund Platform will review your appeal and notify you of their decision within a few weeks.

Some tips for writing a successful appeal letter, include the need for the student to be clear and concise. The students should also highlight his or her academic achievements and potential.

Students are also advised to explain why they need the additional funding and how it will help them to succeed in their academic endeavors.

It's important for appellants to be specific and provide evidence to support their claims.

However, Universities Fund has explained that only Kenyan born students are eligible for the government scholarships under the new model.

"The Government Student Scholarship is restricted to Kenyan citizens only. International students should check with their universities, governments or financial aid offices to seek for funding based on their eligibility," the Universities Fund explained.

UoN graduates celebrate during the 57th Graduation Ceremony held at the institution's grounds on September 22, 2017.