DP Gachagua Meets Leaders From 10 Counties to Chart Economic Path

Deputy President addressing leaders at the Mount Kenya Golf Festival on Saturday October 21, 2023
Deputy President addressing leaders at the Mount Kenya Golf Festival on Saturday, October 21, 2023

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Saturday met billionaires and politicians from the Mt. Kenya region in a meeting that centered around the country's economy with a particular focus on the tea and coffee industries within the agriculture sector which a huge number of Central Kenya residents depend on.

The Deputy President met the different stakeholders at a high-end resort in Nyeri where the different parties discussed putting in place strategies to revive the agriculture sector which the Deputy President has been at the forefront of resuscitating.

During the meeting, Gachagua vowed to weed out the cartels in the agriculture sector who have made it impossible for farmers to get the true worth of their produce.

"The Business community plays a critical role in shaping any nation's economy; they create the much-needed jobs for our country," Gachagua stated.    

Deeputy President Rigathi Gachagua (centre) in a meeting with Mt Kenya leaders on Saturday 21, 2023
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua (centre) in a meeting with Mt Kenya leaders on Saturday 21, 2023

Gachagua further assured Kenyans that despite the high taxation, the government is working to ensure that taxes collected from Kenyans are put to good use.

"We have an international obligation and we must own up to our debt irrespective of which administration accrued them. That is why we are tightening the revenue collection process," he stated.

Some of the leaders at the meeting included; Governors Mutahi Kahiga (Nyeri), Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nithi), Joshua Irungu (Laikipia), Irungu Kang'ata (Murang'a).

EALA MPs Kanini Kega and Maina Karobia, Kenya's nominee ambassador to India and economist Peter Munyiri, and former Nyeri Town MP Wambugu Ngunjiri also attended the meeting.

Others present were the University of Nairobi Vice-Chancellor Kiama Gitahi, New Kenya Co-operative Creameries (KCC) Board Chairperson David Maina, and former Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) Peter Kanyago among others.

On his part, former Nyeri Town MP Wambugu commended DP Gachagua for initiating the meeting which has been cited as a good platform to chart the region's path towards prosperity.

"When we come together as a region we also do so to add value. Internally we challenge each other to be better. Externally we leverage our strengths and make Kenya better," he remarked.

He also emphasised that the plan to unite the region spearheaded by Gachagua and President William Ruto will put the community on a solid political footing and ensure the Head of State gets a second term.

Photo of President Ruto in Kericho Green Stadium during the Mashujaa day celebrations on October 20, 2023
Photo of President Ruto in Kericho Green Stadium during the Mashujaa day celebrations on October 20, 2023