ODM Senator Crystal Asige Proposes Strict Rules For Agencies Sending Kenyans Abroad

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)
An aerial photo of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).
Kenya Ports Authority

Nominated Senator Crystal Asige has proposed new rules to govern recruiters sending Kenyans abroad.

Through the National Employment Authority (Amendment) Bill 2023, Asige wants all agencies and recruiters to be compelled to acquire a license before being allowed to operate.

In line with the piece of legislation, recruiters will be required to apply for a license with the relevant agency, detailing the nature of their operations, business premises, and countries employees are being sent.

Additionally, they will also be required to provide an indemnity cover for the employees.

Job seekers
Job seekers protest over unemployment in Nairobi on October 2019.

All recruiters will also be required to pay a levy as prescribed by the law.

The levy will be used for emergency repatriation of an overseas worker. The funds will also be used to ferry back to the country, the worker's remains if they pass away while in the foreign nation.

Each recruiter will also be required to publish a report and present it to the National Employment Authority (NEA) revealing the persons employed, employment status, vacancies, and other information as required by NEA.

On the other hand, NEA will be required to publish the list of licensed recruiters in the Kenya Gazette.

The agency will also keep and maintain a register of all recruiters granted a full or conditional license.

"The authority shall, in as far as possible, facilitate the deployment of Kenyan workers only to countries where the rights of Kenyan migrant workers are protected," reads part of the bill.

According to the Senator, Kenyans working overseas contribute greatly to Kenya's economy through remittances estimated to be over Ksh4 billion annually.

"It is paramount that the laws of the country protect the welfare of these Kenyans and not only ensure their continued contribution to the economy," she emphasized.

Nominated Senator Crystal Asige taking oath of office on October 5, 2022
Nominated Senator Crystal Asige taking the oath of office on October 5, 2022.