Raila Demands Resignation of CSs Chirchir and Ndung'u Over G to G Fuel Deal

Azimio Leader Raila Odinga and Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina announcing Senate leadership changes on February 16, 2023.
Azimio Leader Raila Odinga and Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina announcing Senate leadership changes on February 16, 2023.
Raila Odinga

Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Monday demanded the resignation of two Cabinet Secretaries in President William Ruto's government over the controversial government-to-government fuel duel struck with two Gulf firms.

During a press conference, Raila called for the resignation of Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir and his Treasury counterpart Njuguna Ndung'u over the deal which he stated had failed.

The Azimio leader alleged that the government-to-government oil deal was a corruption scandal hatched to withdraw money from the exchequer against the law.

To this end, Raila called on the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to summon and interrogate the two CSs.

"They stole money from the consolidated fund in addition to spending monies way above what Parliament approved. They must not only resign but must also be prosecuted.

A photo of shipment at the Mombasa Port and businesswoman Ann Njeri Njoroge at the Mombasa Law Courts on November 14, 2023 (in circle).
A photo of shipment at the Mombasa Port and businesswoman Ann Njeri Njoroge at the Mombasa Law Courts on November 14, 2023 (in circle).
KPA / Bahari FM

"Mr. Chirchir and National Treasury CS Njuguna Ndung'u have certainly committed criminal offenses, abused office, and gone scot-free against the constitution.

The opposition principal further dismissed criticism directed at him by President Ruto maintaining that the deal had not achieved its intended purpose which was to lower fuel prices and ease pressure on the Kenyan Shilling.

Raila further took cue from Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah and accused senior government officials of withdrawing Ksh 17 billion unconstitutionally, an amount which he claimed was directly related to the fuel deal.

He further poked holes in the Ksh17 billion fuel importation saga involving businesswoman Ann Njeri Njoroge and questioned the whole process of authorizing the ship to depart from its origin, its docking, and offloading.

''For a ship to leave one port for another, loaded with goods it has to get a letter from the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum indicating that the ship is authorised to carry and offload,'' Raila stated.

Raila further tasked the government to provide documents proving that the government-to-government fuel deal was transacted in Kenyan Shillings as claimed by President William Ruto and senior government officials.

''This government has told Kenyans so many fictitious stories, that only documentary evidence will help the country separate facts from fiction,'' he added.

President William Ruto had on Sunday dismissed an earlier dossier issued by Raila questioning the fuel deal. The Head of State dared Raila to substantiate his allegations adding that the process was transparent and open.

“I am running a transparent government; all those contracts are available in Parliament. Stop saying you want the contracts, the contracts are public domain, there is no secret contract anywhere,” Ruto stated.

President William Ruto addressing the media at State House on November 7, 2023.
President William Ruto addressing the media at State House on November 7, 2023.
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