KCPE Results to Be Released Next Week, CS Machogu Announces

Ezekiel machogu
Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu speaking on Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
Ministry of Education

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu on Tuesday revealed that the government will release Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam results any time next week.

According to the CS, the government is also planning to carry out Form 1 Placement over the Christmas period to allow parents enough time to plan themselves.

The Cabinet Secretary also defended the credibility of the national examinations for both KCPE and KCSE despite widespread cheating reports in various parts of the country that have culminated in various exam administrators being arrested.

CS Machogu claimed that the government had only recorded 6 incidents of exam cheating in the KCPE examinations.

Photo of Permanent Secretary for Education Esther Muhoria (left) and Education Cabinet Secretary, Ezekiel Machogu appearing before the parliamentary committee on November 6, 2023
Permanent Secretary for Education Esther Muhoria (left) and Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu appearing before the parliamentary committee on November 6, 2023
Parliament of Kenya

"Even in those six cases, it is not that there was confusion, maybe a pupil being found with a paper that does not resonate with the exams," Machogu noted.

CS Machogu further revealed that the government had recorded 46 cases of exam cheating in KCSE this year.

He also dismissed a perception amongst Kenyans that there was widespread cheating in the exams which are still ongoing.

"So let us say that this time round, we are almost a hundred percent perfect, the results of the exam that will come out, it is the genuine marks that the child was able to get," the CS noted.

The CS attributed the few cases of exam irregularities to the stern measures that the ministry had put in place ranging from meticulous exam distribution to well-guided collection of papers by centre managers.

During this year's National exams, the CS announced that center managers would pick morning and afternoon papers separately in a new formula initiated by the Ministry of Education to curb cheating.

The CS also pointed out that the Ministry had increased the number of marking centers as it sought to create a conducive environment for teachers and complete marking within the stipulated timeframe. 

The KCPE exams which began on October 30 were done alongside the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) exams, undertaken by 1.2 Million candidates, were completed on November 1, 2023. 

Photo of Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu during PIC meeting
Photo of Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu during PIC meeting
Parliament of Kenya
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