Govt Plans Evacuation of 30,000 Kenyans in 5 Counties Over El Nino Threats

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki at a security risk assessment at the settlements contiguous to Masinga, Kamburu, Kindaruma, Gitaru, and Kiambere Dams on December 2, 2023.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki at a security risk assessment at the settlements contiguous to Masinga, Kamburu, Kindaruma, Gitaru, and Kiambere Dams on December 2, 2023.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki announced that the government had put plans in place to evacuate over 30,000 Kenyans from their homes owing to the effects of El Nino rains witnessed in parts of the country.

While on a security risk assessment in areas near dams in the country, Kindiki highlighted that the government had already identified areas where the Kenyans would be evacuated to in the event of an emergency.

With the ongoing rains, it has been projected that some dams would spill over and affect many homes.

Areas mapped out for potential dam spillage include Embu, Tharaka Nithi, Kitui, Machakos, and Garissa counties.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki at a security risk assessment at the settlements contiguous to Masinga, Kamburu, Kindaruma, Gitaru, and Kiambere Dams on December 2, 2023.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki at a security risk assessment at the settlements contiguous to Masinga, Kamburu, Kindaruma, Gitaru, and Kiambere Dams on December 2, 2023.

"Government has identified sites where those evacuated will be accommodated until the rains subside and will facilitate such movement by making available food, non-food items, medicine, and other requirements," Kindiki noted in his statement.

At the same time, the CS also urged the Kenyans living near the dams to cooperate with the agencies should they be required to leave their homes.

Kindiki added that the national government will involve the community leaders to ensure that the evacuation process is smooth.

"Once the experts issue alerts, notices to evacuate will be issued, and those likely to be affected will be profiled and their data collected to facilitate real-time communication," Kindiki assured.

On the other hand, Kenyans were encouraged to adhere to safety precautions issued by national government officials to avert any further loss of lives.

Meanwhile, the CS expressed that authorities were using real-time monitoring using scientific mechanisms, dam visual inspections, and instrumental readings to ensure readiness for any emergencies.

Furthermore, the government also set up a Command Center for Flood Emergency Response and Communication at the Nyayo House to facilitate better coordination between various government agencies.

As of December 1, 142 deaths have been recorded from the ongoing El Nino.

A boy who was swept away by floods in Turkana.
A boy who was swept away by floods in Turkana.


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