CS Kuria Fires Warning to Police Officers Extorting Bribes From PSV Owners With Invalid Insurance Policies

Moses Kuria
Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria during a meeting with investors at his office on Monday, June 19, 2023.
Moses Kuria

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria on Saturday issued a stern warning to some police officers after receiving reports that the law enforcement personnel had been extorting bribes from Public Service Vehicle (PSV) owners who had taken out policies from an insurance company that was recently put under receivership.

In a statement, Kuria warned that it was not reasonable to expect the PSV owners to expect innocent policy holders to get new cover over the weekend. 

"I have raised this issue with IG Japheth Koome," Kuria stated.

"Any police officers especially around Eldoret Town who are doing this, do it at your own risk. I urge all PSV owners not to pay any bribes," he further directed.

Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome speaking in Turkana County on August 3, 2023.
Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome speaking in Turkana County on August 3, 2023.
National Police Service

This comes after the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) put the insurance company in question under receivership and appointed the Policyholders Compensation Fund (PCF) to manage the insurer.

"Its existing Policyholders are advised to immediately seek alternative covers from other licensed insurers to ensure that there is no unnecessary exposure," the authority ordered in a statement.

IRA further prohibited the insurance company from selling more policies and advised members of the public not to buy plans from the company.

The PCF was also directed to compensate the affected policy holders in line with the Insurance Act, CAP 487 Laws of Kenya.

This comes at a time when traffic police officers are already under the spotlight for various issues.

Last week, Inspector General, Japheth Koome, ordered them not to carry guns after one of them shot at Ethics and Anti Corruption (EACC) detectives conducting a sting operation.

"From today, November 30, 2023, no officer actively on Traffic duties will carry a firearm. Commanders ensure that this directive is complied with promptly. Confirm copied and compliance.” the order read in parts.

Police officers alighting from police van
Police officers alighting from police van
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