Isaac Mwaura Offers Job to Politician's Wife During 28-Year Reunion With Best Friend

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura with Ken Gitungo with His wife Magdalene.
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura with Former Riabai Ward MCA aspirant Ken Gitungo and his wife Magdalene.
Isaac Mwaura

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura reconnected with his primary school classmate and best friend after 28 years. 

In a statement after meeting Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo, Mwaura noted that they attended Thika Primary School for the Blind together. The meeting was facilitated by, Ken Gitungo, a former Member of County Assembly (MCA) aspirant for Riabai Ward in Kiambu County.

The Spokesperson indicated that he started tracking down Francis when he spotted the name Gitungo written on the back of a T-shirt Ken wore during President William Ruto's event ahead of the 2022 General Election.

“After a few weeks, Ken called me having traced Ng’ang’a, and I was able to reconnect with my childhood friend on the phone!  When Ken asked Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo which friends he could remember from his primary school days, the first that he mentioned was me. That’s how close we were!” Mwaura stated.

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura with Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo,Ken,Magdalene and Ng'ang'a's family
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura with Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo,Ken,Magdalene and Ng'ang'a's family
Isaac Mwaura

The two met physically at the Office of the Government Spokesperson after 28 years. 

Mwaura reminisced about their primary school days when they formed a gospel singing group named United Gospel Singers (UGS) to perform kikuyu songs.

"Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo and I were thus reconnected physically in my office after a whopping 28 years since 1996. 

“We sang together, reminiscing our good old days and thanked God for making it happen! Ng’ang’a used to tell people that we went to school together, but they couldn’t believe it! From Gospel Singers to Government Spokesman (GS). Everything is divine.” Mwaura added.

The former nominated Senator, however, decried the challenges that befell his best friend.

“His parents had since died and being an orphan who only made it to Standard 8, he was now living with his auntie Pauline Waathiithi,” Mwaura explained.

As an early Christmas gift, Mwaura promised to buy a Piano for his Francis and rewarded the former MCA aspirant’s wife with a job for the struggle he went through to find his friend. The job offer was upon Ken's request.

“Due to Ken taking the trouble to get my friend, I followed up on the job and she got it permanent and pensionable!” the government spokesperson added

Mwaura, therefore, urged Kenyans to reconnect with their families during this Christmas season.

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura with Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo at the Office of the Spokesperson.
Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura with Francis Ng’ang’a Gitungo at the Office of the Spokesperson.The two met after 28 years.
Isaac Mwaura
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