Kenyan Widow Mysteriously Dies in Canada, 3 Days After Arrival

A photo collage Canada City and Delphina Ngigi
A photo collage Canada City and Delphina Ngigi

Detectives in Canada are investigating the demise of a 46-year-old Kenyan who died after spending hours in the cold while seeking shelter at Mississauga Refugee Camp. 

According to Canadian-based media house, CBC News, Delphina Ngigi arrived at the camp in Dundas Street on Saturday, February 17 to seek asylum, but was denied access as it was full. 

Ngigi, however, was allowed inside the building and offered a place to sleep later on. 

On the following day, she collapsed after her health deteriorated and was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. 

Immigration offices in Canada
A photo of the Immigration offices in Canada.

Following the incident, the camp managers were faulted for denying the woman access to the shelter, with several lobby groups consisting of Africans demanding justice for the deceased.

"We are standing in solidarity with the Kenyan community and our sister whom we failed to do our part as Canadians and allow such stories to continue," a member of the GTA, Africa-Canada lobby group informed the press. 

Ngigi who arrived in Canada three days before her death was a widow and mother of four children who all live in Kenya.

Kizito Musabimana, founder of the Rwandan Canadian Healing Centre, while seeking justice for Ngigi, promised to make funeral arrangements, including flying her body back home.  

“The basic responsibility the current government has is to make sure that someone comes to Canada to pursue that Canadian dream that they’re not left abandoned to fall in the cracks is seeking asylum in winter," Musabimana stated. 

An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of her death before the family is allowed to fly the body to Kenya for burial arrangements. 

The tragedy follows a similar one where another Kenyan woman mysteriously died in Ireland, four days after landing in the country.

Reports suggested that the woman died by suicide after a disagreement with her partner over their relationship. 

A police vehicle at a crime scene in Dublin, Ireland
A police vehicle at a crime scene in Dublin, Ireland
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