Moses Kuria's Salary Shocker, The Unmoved Jobless Corner


Hello and welcome to the Friday edition of the Evening Brief Newsletter where we are talking about matters of salaries and the national wage bill.

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Looming Paycuts

Over 1 million government employees face major salary cuts after Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria announced plans to take radical measures to reduce the current wage bill.

Speaking during the media briefing for the upcoming 3rd National Wage Bill Conference, the CS explained that radical measures needed to be taken to reduce the current wage bill which he described as unsustainable.

Kuria noted that the government was planning on lowering the current wage bill from the current 43 per cent of revenue to 35 per cent. 

Ripple Effect: With the reduction of the wage bill by 8 per cent, there will be three possible outcomes mainly; salary cuts, mass layoffs and a pause on hiring in government institutions.

Public Service CS Moses Kuria speaking during the media briefing for the upcoming 3rd National Wage Bill Conference on April 12, 2024.
Public Service CS Moses Kuria speaking during the media briefing for the upcoming 3rd National Wage Bill Conference on April 12, 2024.
Ministry of Public Service

On the other hand, he also questioned why Kenyans were shouldering the burden of 1 million employees who were earning huge salaries.

ā€œThis is a question of morality. It is a question of ethics. It is not even a question of economics and other high-value principles.

ā€œHow can you agree to shoulder the burden of one million people for so long? How can you allow one million people to gobble up all the money you make?ā€ he posed. 

Therefore, as part of the wage bill reduction strategy, he noted that his Ministry would take up the responsibility of negotiating Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) which have seen several employees going on strike.

Additionally, he indicated that government agencies needed to reduce their recurrent expenditure and allow for more money to be allocated for development projects.

ā€œWe have to do something about our salaries, debt, and the mandazis and doughnuts we consume,ā€ he added.

The 3rd National Wage Bill Conference will be held at the Bomas of Kenya from April 15-17, 2024 and will be presided over by President William Ruto.

Guess Who?

Can you guess who said these words?

"President William Ruto loves Kenya very much. May God give him 100 years of life. I wish that we have him as President for at least 25 years."

To find the correct answer, simply scroll down as you read this newsletter.

Ruto's Ksh146,000 Offer Not Enough for Kenyans

President William Ruto arriving in Saudi Arabia on November 9, 2023.
President William Ruto being received in Saudi Arabia on November 9, 2023.

Meanwhile, Labour Cabinet Secretary Florence Bore revealed that there were low applications for 2,500 Saudi Arabia jobs that President William Ruto secured.

While appearing before, the National Assembly's Diaspora and Migrant Committee, Bore detailed that the government only received 1,765 applications for jobs that were targeting trained nurses. 

Bore added that despite the jobs targeting female nurses, there were more male applicants. According to the data provided, 880 applicants were female trained nurses while 885 were male.

Interestingly, only 586 people have qualified for the oversee jobs.

When queried about the low applications, she cited Kenyan's perception of the salaries as a factor. 

Degree, Diploma and Certificate holders were to earn Ksh146,000, Ksh125,000 and Ksh92,000 respectively.

ā€œThe shortfall in applications for the vacancies has been attributed to the low perception of the salary offer amongst applicants and the requirements for a 90-day bonding period for the Private Recruitment Agency facilitating the process,ā€ she stated.

Weekly Quiz

Do you think you are a news guru? Every week, the newsletter team brings you a 10-question quiz testing your knowledge of the top news topics for the week.

Take our quiz and test how well you understood the week's most important stories.

Here are the top five stories for the day;

Kenyan Shilling to depreciate after appreciating by 16 per cent. This is why financial experts think so.

KRA rescinds its previous decision to exempt businesses with an annual turnover of Ksh5 million and below from producing invoices through the eTIMS.

Kenyans to get passports within 14 working days after the government acquires new printing machines.

President William Ruto announces millions for Kenyans injured in human-wildlife conflict. Here are the proposed rates.

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi clarifies why he dismissed fake fertiliser claims.

Guess Who Answer

quote box

Correct. The answer is Narendra Raval. Raval made the remarks on Monday when Ruto launched his Cemtech Limited Clinker Plant in West Pokot County.

This newsletter was written by Washington Mito and edited by Brian Muuo.

Derrick Kubasu contributed to the content.

Graphics prepared by Adongo Kyalo and Ronnie Mbugua.