Drama as Ruto Flees Meeting After Fight

A public forum attended by Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto turned chaotic, after he refused to respond to questions from the residents.

Governor Ruto fled after engaging a Member of County Assembly (MCA) in a fierce scuffle when the MCA paraded locals who put him on the spot over unfulfilled promises and delayed development projects.

The move by Kipsonoi Ward Representative John Ngetich, angered the governor prompting him to stand up and grab the microphone from the county lawmaker with the help of his body guards.

The two almost exchanged blows as they wrestled for the microphone which ended in the Governor’s hands.

Ruto then claimed that it was getting late and that he had to give his speech.  

His sentiments did not auger well with residents and they turned rowdy, forcing the Governor to leave without delivering his speech.

While addressing the press later on, Ngetich expressed his disapproval saying; "It is quite unfortunate for the Governor to stoop so low as to portray such ugly acts in public”.

However, Ruto blamed Ngetich for turning the function into a political rally yet he just intended to meet the people.

The Bomet Governor has faced several impeachment threats from a section of MCAs, although three days ago, a group of 21 ward representatives declared their unwavering support for him.

Watch video courtesy of the Star
