Sale of Fake Condoms Sparks Concerns of Increased HIV Infections

There are increasing concerns of the war against HIV in Kenya being compromised by fake condoms.

The fake protection have made their way into shops and other outlets where people buy them with absolutely no clue.

What results is that many may be exposing themselves to one of the very reasons they bought the condoms in the first place -protection from sexually transmitted infections.

A while back, Population Services International had warned that one such brand of untrusted condoms- Salama- had made its way into the Kenya market.

This is despite the fact that the condoms have been licensed for the Tanzanian market.

An expose by K24 reveals that the condoms are still on sale in shops, exposing Kenyans to untold risk.

Unscrupulous traders have also taken to re-packaging fake condoms and selling them off as real ones- posing more risks to Kenyans.

National AIDS and STIs Control Program has however pledged to carry out tests on condoms in the market to ascertain their safety.

Here is a clip on the expose:



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