Sex Workers Banned in Othaya Starting Next Month

Othaya constituency will not welcome sex workers during this year's tea bonus release.

Speaking to journalists at PCEA Church in Othaya town, MP Mary Wambui warned sex workers against invading her constituency, urging farmers not to allow the women squander money they earned through hard work.

“Those renting rooms in Othaya town and wearing skinny skirts are not welcomed here. Let the families celebrate their money in peace,” she said.

Wambui also told the farmers that they risked contracting HIV if they entertained the night women adding that they should be accompanied with their wives when withdrawing money.

Last week the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) announced that Sh63 Billion would be released to farmers in bonuses, an amount inflated by the weakening of the dollar.

Some farmers in high yielding areas are expected to walk away with as much as Sh183,000 per acre with others who are average to receive Sh91,000 per acre while the lowest taking home Sh61,000 per acre.

This means that large-scale tea farmers who practise on vast tracks of land measuring in thousands of acres would receive millions in bonuses in October.

Commercial sex workers are known to flock particular areas in the country as soon as farmers receive bonuses from their productions usually tea, coffee and wheat.

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