Show Your Hospitality during Obama’s Visit, Raila Tells Kenyans

CORD leader Raila Odinga has encouraged Kenyans to show up in large numbers to witness the arrival of US president Barrack Obama.

Odinga said that since the country will be the focus of the world during Obama’s visit, it is a chance for Kenyans to show their friendliness.

In a statement to newsrooms, Odinga added that Obama’s visit is an opportunity for Kenyans to showcase the hospitality they are famously known for.

The visit, Odinga said, has a special significance due to Obama’s roots in Kenya.

The former PM reiterated the importance of this visit, saying it serves to strengthen ties between the country and the US.

There had been several speculations as to whether the CORD leader will meet POTUS.

Lack of any information on the meet had many believing he might not meet him.

The Standard, however, reports that Obama is scheduled to meet the opposition leaders.

It’s however unclear when the meeting will happen.