KTN Cancels John Allan Namu’s The Profiteers Documentary Due to Editorial Differences

Journalist John Allan Namu has revealed the main reason why his The profiteers documentary failed to air on Kenya’s Television Network (KTN) on Sunday as earlier advertised.

According to a tweet by Namu, the executives at KTN were largely happy with the story but wanted to cut out some parts as they sought for comment from an adversely mentioned person in the story.

Namu further added that he disagreed with the media house since he had already sought fair comment from this person.

The investigative journalist availed the investigative story on YouTube for the public to watch while still hoping that KTN would recant their decision and have it aired for a chance to be seen by many people.

The television had, prior to the cancellation, promoted the 3-part documentary series slotted for Sunday Prime Time but cancelled without notice of a further screening date.

In a text message to Kenyans.co.ke, Namu stated that the hard-hitting documentary is slotted for a public screening on Tuesday October 9 at 6 pm at Pawa 254

The investigative piece sought to expose the lavish lifestyles of leaders of South Sudan.

In the Story, Allan Namu poses as a businessman from Kenya who is interested in importing Teak wood from South Sudan.

The journalist then gets one of the officials on tape asking for a bribe worth thousands of dollars and bank accounts of other prominent leaders from that conflicted nation containing more money than their salaries can account for.

He notes that 382,000 people have succumbed for the past five years to the conflict in South Sudan while their leaders hide wealth in Nairobi and Kampala.

The documentary on YouTube has since received positive feedback from viewers online.