Jeff Koinange's Threesome Remark Catches Rubadiri Off Guard [VIDEO]

Citizen TV's Jeff Koinange on Sunday night caught fellow anchor Victoria Rubadiri off guard when he made an awkward comment at the end of a news item they were presenting together. 

The story was about the famous twins from Kakamega who were confirmed to be related by blood after a DNA test was conducted. 

"Sharon Mitekwa and Melon Lutenyo share identical DNA profiles with the 23 allelic loci tested show 100% perfect match, which is consistent with the two being biologically identical twins," a statement from Lancet Pathologists reads in part.

Whereas two of the dark-skinned girls, Sharon Mitekwa and Melon Lutenyo, were found to be related, the light-skinned girl, Mevis Imbayi was not their kin by blood. 

Their mothers disclosed that they would not separate the three girls but would now form one big family instead. 

"The family spokesperson yesterday said that they have no intention of separating them, they become a bigger family," Victoria started the conversation.  

"The more the merrier, that will be an awesome threesome," Jeff responded, sending the newsroom into an awkward silence. 

They gazed at each other momentarily and Rubadiri asked Jeff to read the next news item. 

According to the Cambridge dictionary, a threesome means "Three people as a group" but Kenyans have mistaken it all together. 

A check on the Merriam Webster shows that the word could be used in a sentence such as "The threesome has been playing music together since all three were in high school."

The word also has a sexual connotation that many Kenyans chose to point out instead of what the acclaimed news anchor meant.

Thus, Jeff clever attempt at rhyming awesome and threesome was widely misinterpreted by viewers who also noted Rubadiri's tonguetied moment that followed. 

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