Raila Proposes AU Passport to Ease African Travel for Member States

Raila Odinga addressing Azimio leaders on May 16, 2023
Raila Odinga

Africa Union Commission chairperson aspirant Raila Odinga on Wednesday, May 22, outlined his ambitious plan for a common AU passport. 

According to Raila Odinga, the AU passport, which will be used for the 55 member states, will not only enhance trade in the continent but also foster unity. 

Raila who was speaking during a meeting with Maarten Brouwer, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Kenya and Wael Nasreldin Attiya, Ambassador of Egypt to Kenya further remarked that there was a need to eliminate the use of multiple currencies among member states. 

“We focused on the potential for a stronger more unified Africa, emphasising the need for continental integration, enhanced trade, and infrastructure development,” Raila stated after the meeting. 

Raila Odinga (left) meeting Egypt Ambassador to Kenya Nasreldin Attiya on May 22, 2024.
Raila Odinga

Raila remarked that while trade agreements were important, there was a need to have a framework on how they could be properly implemented. 

The Azimio leader observed that most trade agreements in Africa were not effective due to payment challenges. 

According to Raila Odinga, the elimination of multiple currencies would reduce reliance on the US dollar while the common AU passport would facilitate the free movement of people.

“I underscored the importance of a phased, evolutionary approach to tackle issues like multiple currencies, numerous visa requirements, and various air traffic control regulations,” Raila stated.

“I believe the time has come for the introduction of an AU passport to ease travel across Africa.”

Raila remarked that this was his vision for Africa should he win the AUC chairmanship noting it was paramount amidst an evolving global environment. 

The former prime minister seeks to succeed Mousa Faki in February 2025 and has already received endorsement from East African Community (EAC) member states as well as  Angola, Ghana, Guinea Bissau and Zimbabwe. 

Raila did not disclose if he had received a similar endorsement following the meeting with Wael Nasreldin Attiya. 

Azimio Leader Raila Odinga (right) meets the Netherlands ambassador to Kenya Maarten Brouwer on May 22, 2024.
Raila Odinga