Niko na Pesa - Oscar Sudi Defends Traveling in Choppers & Cars

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi (left) and DP Rigathi Gachagua.
Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi (left) and DP Rigathi Gachagua.
Oscar Sudi/DPPS

Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi on Sunday responded to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over the latter's critical statement believed to be directed at the lawmaker.

Addressing a congregation at the AIC Kipkorgot Church in Ainabkoi Constituency, Sudi referenced an event attended by Gachagua and other leaders at Kesses on Saturday.

In his response, the MP insisted that every politician has the right to travel across the country beyond their constituencies in support of their party leaders.

"We are all students of President William Ruto. Everyone has the authority to travel across the country," he stated.

President William Ruto at State House in May 2023.
President William Ruto at State House in May 2023.

"Everyone contributed to the Kenya Kwanza Government. Let's respect each other. We ask the President and his deputy to respect us. We can't allow them to come and harass small leaders."

Sudi further challenged the leaders to seize threatening their juniors in what he argued was their ploy to divert attacks from their targets.

"You should stop threats. You should not threaten me because I have done so many things... Let's respect each other," he added.

"If you have a case with someone, stop going after other people to get the message across. Go directly to the person you have issues with. Many people who spoke at an event in Kesses yesterday had different issues with other people. We are small people."

On Saturday, Gachagua told off DP Gachagua's allies whom he accused of meddling in Mt Kenya politics.

He argued that the lawmakers were ill-advising the Head of State on critical political issues ahead of 2027.

"There are politicians from Rift Valley who have partnered with others in the Mt Kenya region and have decided to plan 2027 politics. Why do you want to succeed the president while he is still alive?” Gachagua stated.

“We are good people, so the problem is a few leaders from this region (Rift Valley) who are ill-advising the President on Mt Kenya politics."

Defending Wealth

Sudi further defended his wealth noting that he worked hard to make the money and will spend it as he pleases.

He argued that he has a penchant for donating money to churches, a character he inherited from President Ruto who advanced to State House where he has bigger tasks.

"I ask for forgiveness. If there is money I took from you (other unnamed politicians) to bring to the church, I ask for forgiveness," he stated.

"I heard other people yesterday saying that Sudi has a lot of money and I am asking them, 'Do you want me to become poor?' I am donating in church because I am from a humble life."

"If you go to Parliament to take tea, I travel for deals. When You see me going to Tanzania and elsewhere, do you think I go looking for stones?" he posed.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua addressing the nation on the flood crisis on April 26, 2024.
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